Sep 18Liked by Jason Roeder

dear jason,

thank you for sharing this!

i like your answer a lot.

i'd never heard "You can’t dig a ditch to heaven." it's great.

i'd also recommend to the letter writer (and anyone else who's interested) in reading the work of oliver burkeman, who wrote "4,000 Weeks: Time Management For Mortals." he points out things like (paraphrasing here) the better you get at answering emails, the more emails you'll get.

so the answer CAN'T be to optimize your email-writing game. at some point, maybe take a break from the computer (he said, while typing into his computer, realizing maybe he's giving himself [myself] some much needed advice).

also, i'd ask the letter writer, do you ever look back at what you HAVE accomplished? do you have a gratitude practice? sincerely, only looking ahead at what you COULD do and not back at what you HAVE done seems imbalanced. especially as we get older and there's more and more behind us, and thus more and more to look back on (hopefully) with gratitude.

not telling anyone what to do, but starting each day by writing and thinking about what i am grateful for that already IS in my life has been life-changing. in a good way.

also, you don't have to accomplish anything to be worthy of love. you are deserving. everyone is. i hope you the peace or joy or fulfillment or whatever it is that you seek. or that you stop seeking and find that THAT might be it.

thanks again for sharing! much love to you,


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Thanks, Myq. Cultivating gratitude is a lifelong struggle of mine, though I've been told over and over that it can reorient you when you're feeling unfulfilled/unworthy.

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thank you for sharing that. i hear you!

are there any instances of it working for you that you can recall, even on the smallest scale?

(as a way to get the ball rolling, you already did just say "Thanks, Myq" which seems like gratitude to me! you're 'tuding it!)

all the best to you, my friend!

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